Hey! To keep it short, I am a certified public accountant working to bring health, wealth, and happiness to people. This website is my outlet to do so. It is a product of love and passion, and I hope it shows.

When I was young boy, I became obsessed with money. Not in a materialistic, late stage capitalism sort of way; it was more of a “how does it work and how can I make it work for me?” I enjoyed the process of money making money, and ever since then I have been researching how. One thing lead to another, and I eventually became a CPA as my obsession made for an excellent passion in helping people save and create wealth. It should come as no surprise, but this is where the “Money” comes from in the website’s slogan.

Several years later, I became obsessed with healthy living. What good is generating wealth when you are not healthy enough to enjoy it? The long hours of my day job nearly forced me into it. I have made a conscious decision to use every minute of my day to the fullest, rather than arbitrarily wander through life. This is where the rest of the slogan, “Time and Happiness” comes into play.